Featured Speaker: Bethany Jett

About Bethany Jett

Bethany Jett is an associate literary agent with the C.Y.L.E. agency, as well as a multi-award-winning author, and a marketing strategist who earned top honors in her master’s program, where she earned her MFA in Communications focusing on Marketing and PR.    Her motto is “Teach as you go,” which she lives out as the co-owner of Serious Writer, a company that teaches and empowers writers and authors.   Bethany is married to her college sweetheart, and together they’re raising 3 teen/tween sons and their Pomeranian Sadie. Connect with her at BethanyJett.com.

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Bethany's Gift

About Bethany Jett

Bethany Jett is an associate literary agent with the C.Y.L.E. agency, as well as a multi-award-winning author, and a marketing strategist who earned top honors in her master’s program, where she earned her MFA in Communications focusing on Marketing and PR.    Her motto is “Teach as you go,” which she lives out as the co-owner of Serious Writer, a company that teaches and empowers writers and authors.   Bethany is married to her college sweetheart, and together they’re raising 3 teen/tween sons and their Pomeranian Sadie. Connect with her at BethanyJett.com.


  1. LeCora Taylor

    This was good. Thanks. As I write, I want to be writing what will get published and this helps as I write, as I prepare to write. Again, thanks.

  2. Amberly Clowe

    What a lovely interview. I very much enjoyed Rosie’s hosting and Lisa’s tips.

  3. Anne Wolf

    Very enjoyable and helpful. I wonder what Bethany requires in a pitch for a picture book?

  4. Amberly Clowe

    What a delight. I love how thoughtful Bethany is about the R&R. That is such a kindness. Lovely hosting, Rosie! You both made it insightful AND fun! Paired this with a cup of coffee. 🙂

  5. Marcia D. Williams

    Thank you so much Rosie for this interview with Lisa Amstutz. It was concise and covered all the Important issues. It was great to hear that, for Lisa, the manuscript and story is more Important than the query letter. The letter has been a stressor for me. She sounds like a wonderful agent to work with.

  6. Bri Lawyer

    Great interview! Thank you Rosie and Bethany!

  7. Marcia Williams

    Thank you Rosie for this interview with Bethany Jett. I appreciate hearing that she does look for a social media presence and an author website. I do write some rhyme so it is a good reminder to check rhythm and beat. Laughter and Lego’s are very important in working for kids. An informative and fun talk.

  8. susan Twiggs

    Enjoyed this informative interview and will follow up by researching Bethany Jett further. Than you for introducing her to me.

  9. Darla

    Great Kickoff to the seminar! Thanks so much, Rosie and Bethany!

    Is Bethany open to PB through this event? I believe she’s currently listed as closed on her website.

    Thanks again!

  10. Ronda Roaring

    Lots of helpful info. I liked the comment about wanting a picture book where both the child and the adult can be delighted.

  11. Lizzie

    Great interview and fabulous questions!

  12. Sheila Schmotzer

    Thanks for this interview and for putting together such a huge event,Rosie. Bethany…I really like your energy and style. I have a picture book ms that is funny to both kids and adults! I’d love to send your way.

  13. Carmen Castillo Gilbert, PhD

    Enjoyed listening to Bethany confirm what I’ve heard others say and what I already know. Her answers were clear and easy to follow. I liked it when she said that the hardest line for her to draw when choosing to represent manuscripts are the ones that fall between R &R’s and No’s/Passes.
    Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and time.

  14. Karen J Moore

    Thank you, Bethany and Rosie. Great interview. I was delighted to hear that you’re an editorial agent, and I enjoyed hearing your answers to Rosie’s questions.

  15. Theresa Telenga

    Bethany and Rosie,

    This was a joy to listen to. Ultra helpful as well regarding what’s being looked for right now AND all the tips for querying were great. Thank you so much!

  16. Jeanne Crowley

    I really enjoyed listening. I especially liked Bethany’s comment about a character having a disability (or something) but it not being what is important in the story. Just because of this one single statement, I may consider approaching her with one of my stories.


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