Featured Speaker: Nadia Ali

About Nadia Ali

Nadia Ali is a children’s author who writes fiction and nonfiction picture books. Her stories range from funny to fanciful to factual. She is a member of Julie Hedlund’s 12x12 community and was honored to be a Grand Prize Winner in the 2022 #SunFunWrite Contest, a #DVPit Critique Winner and a 2021 Picture Book Party Finalist. Humphrey the Egg-splorer with illustrator Valenti Gubianas is her latest picture book.

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Nadia's Gift

About Nadia Ali

Nadia Ali is a children’s author who writes fiction and nonfiction picture books. Her stories range from funny to fanciful to factual. She is a member of Julie Hedlund’s 12x12 community and was honored to be a Grand Prize Winner in the 2022 #SunFunWrite Contest, a #DVPit Critique Winner and a 2021 Picture Book Party Finalist. Humphrey the Egg-splorer with illustrator Valenti Gubianas is her latest picture book.


  1. Darla

    Loved Nadia’s idea of two different piles of manuscripts. Never thought of that, but it would seem to increase your chances. Appreciate that tip!

  2. Lizzie

    Love the quote from Nadia which she quoted from someone else…”To write, your heart must be absolutely tender, and you have to have the skin from a rhinoceros.”


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